Friday, January 27, 2012

19 months, eh?

Ugh 19 months? It sounds like it's starting to get silly counting the months. Will I ever stop? I don't wanna...

Gabriella is a talking machine now. She repeats everything we say and we really need to start watching our mouths. She runs around like a madwoman, loves to sing and dance (she can plie, and when we tell her to be a ballerina she puts her arms over her head and twirls), and is working on a couple incisors (I believe that's what they're called - the fang teeth?). She is such a joy and we adore her so so much.
I know I know, lame blog update. But the months are really starting to mush together in my head. Maybe I'm getting old. ;-)

Oh! And I am having a little giveaway over on my business page! If you're in the greater Los Angeles/Ventura county area you might just wanna check it out - you could win a free session! xoxo