Sunday, September 14, 2008


So I have always had a love/hate relationship with Forever 21. Love the cheap prices. Hate the cheap clothes. Well not all of them are cheap. Some are quite fantastic actually. And I recently came across the website (finally they have one, I checked years ago and there was nuppence)!

So here are the things I need:

I love yellow. And in a peacoat! And the dotted dress is so cute! And I've been seeing feathered headbands and wanna try the look. And tiered dresses are fab. And who doesn't love a creepy owl?
The problem is, there are 14 other items in my cart that are must-haves also. Where do I draw the line? I'm still under 300 bucks, but it's 300 bucks I do not have. A conundrum...

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