Monday, September 22, 2008

The Job Hunt

What am I qualified for???

I have:
  1. A bachelor's in Journalism
  2. 2.5 years as a Realtor
  3. A moderate disposition.

I hated sales. I love to write. Am finding that anything that interests me in the least wants at least 3-5 years experience. What's a girl to do to get her foot in the door? This chick wants a J-O-B now. Please hire me!

1 comment:

  1. thanks for the visit, my fellow Sprinkles addict.

    I hear you on the job quandry. sigh. i have a master's in journalism and found that pr/communications have been a good way for me to write and build my expertise (read: paycheck.) I started out in the higher education world. That's another place that's pretty good for a young thing figuring it out.


    p.s. if you are reading, more comments please ;)
