Saturday, September 20, 2008

We're Moving!

It's true! Adam accepted an offer with a new company and due to 1. the company's preference for him to live in the area he will be working in (he gets to work from home!!!) and 2. our bored-ness with our current digs, we are looking into venturing out somewhere! Not too far, of course! Naturally I want more space to put my clothes and junk away, and Adam wants to save up money by downsizing for a bit so we can buy a place soon. Sigh. Hopefully we can compromise by getting a bigger place like I want. Ha.

My must haves:
Granite Counters
Roman Bathtub
Huge Walk-in Closet
Room for an office
Open floorplan

Adam's Must haves:
Place to put the beer
Place to put the plasma.

And the differences between men and women continue... (Although I am planning on getting more into drinking. I sort of aspire to become a wine afficionado.) I presume this is where I actually go out into the world and get a paying job so that we can achieve both of our wants. I'm sure it will make me a better person. (and that is sooo not sarcastically speaking)

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