Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Frisco (but don't call it that, or you're not cool)

So we left for San Francisco on Thursday morning, and we decided to take the "scenic route" (aka the really really long twisty windy route). It looked mostly like this:

We did stop to check out some seals that were either dead, or about to die, or were doing it. We couldn't tell.
We arrived at our Nob Hill digs, The Intercontinental Mark Hopkins, and were snooted completely. Now call me cheap, but no matter where I go, I always ask to be upgraded. Why not? What's the worst they can say? Besides, we were taking a minimoon, so I thought for sure we had something special awaiting us. We asked the check in guy, who clearly had pink eye or some other wretched eye condition, if he could possibly see about putting us in a better room. He clicks away at his little keyboard and comes back with "Ah yes, we can put you in a room on the ninth floor... for an additional $40 a night." I ask what room we are currently slated to be in and he says the third floor. What, no basement? Pff. I'm not about to shell out an additional 40 bucks per night for a few floors. How much time would we actually be in our room anyway?

Well, this is what we ended up with. Ha! Actually that is a cell at Alcatraz, which we visited the next day. Our real room I didn't get a shot of because we're pigs and disheveled everything the moment we got in. We ordered an obscene amount of food from room service and went to sleep on the most comfortable bed in the history of man. And I though our bed was amazing.

We visited Fisherman's wharf the next day, followed by a nice little boat ride to Alcatraz, which Adam surprisingly enjoyed. Apparently we visited San Francisco during the hottest time of life, because we were prepared for freezing temps and we shvitzed the whole time. I guess a ton of walking will do that to ya. It did momentarily get brisk on the island, which finally warranted my new F21 coat!

I might add that for breakfast that day we devoured a glorious sundae at Ghirardelli. It was everything I'd hoped for and more. I felt vindicated.Later, for lunch, Adam noshed on some clam chowder and I had pizza from this cute little place that had bread shaped like animals of the sea. Great.That evening we headed to the Castro and dined at Mecca. I had two glasses of sparkling rose and was hammered. Here I am working on number two. I already have that fiendish sillyness in my eyes. I really enjoyed the warm yet industrial ambiance that Mecca had.
More on the next day coming soon!

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