Tuesday, October 7, 2008

More house stuff.

So we (I) are getting ready for the move to the new house. Since we have all the living room, bedroom and dining room furniture already, the real project is the office/guest room we finally get to have. It needs to function as an office since Adam will be doing a lot of his work from home, and I would love to have my own extra space for my sewing machine and any crafts I may like to work on. And a little pull out sofa/futon that's actually stylish would be great to throw in there. All in a room that's about 10' x 13'. I know, right? I found this cute table from Ikea that would work as my table:
I just really like its legs. It says it's silver so I am curious how it actually looks in real life. I'd probably prefer white, but maybe it's nice. Or I can paint. I'm dying to paint something. Anything.
Oh and today while at Costco my dear daddy bought me Giada's new book! So thrilled!

I met her once. I made Adam go with me to a book signing all the way in Costa Mesa. When we got to the front, I became starstruck and red, so Adam had to step in and talk to her. Afterwards I got mad that he stole my thunder. She's so cute and I wanna cook just like her! I wonder what I'll make first... Maybe I should wait for the new house? :-P

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