Sunday, November 30, 2008

Black Saturday?

We braved the crowds again today. Not so bad. This time we went to Old Town Pasadena and I snagged some cute dishtowels on clearance at Crate and Barrel, not to mention some other fab sale items from Pottery Barn. Leather napkin rings for 97 cents!!!!

We ate at Melting Pot, a fondue fantasy. We got a fondue maker/cooker machine thing for our wedding and I have only gotten a chance to use it once. After tonight I am definitely inspired to try again. Must use lager this time instead of Bud Lite. As if that should make a difference. Melted cheese = you can't go wrong.

Right now I'm regretting letting crazy lady from Big Lots! freak me out of getting a heated blanket. I'm c-c-c-old. Winter?

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