Thursday, December 4, 2008

For fun I decided to go through my house photographing my favorite things. It started with the ornaments on the Christmas tree...

Then I went to my almostnotquitefinished photo wall...
Then I slid up to the flowers my lovey got me...
They lasted forever, which surprised me. I have this uncanny ability to kill flowers in like a day.
Some of my favorite wedding pictures... and of course my darling doing what he loves best...
Note the wonderful photographer's tripod lamp in the corner. So pleased that we got this bad boy. Which reminds me of the great kitchen towels we got at Crate and Barrel this weekend.

And then of course my amazing mixer, which any cook worth his salt should go out and get.

Speaking of cooking, I am reminded of the lovely housewarming I hosted a few days ago, and of the little hors d'oeurves I served.

I ate way too much, which makes me think of my wardrobe, which needs some attention. At least I love all my matching hangers...

AND the jewelry box my daddy bought me before we moved...

I love being ____.
And I love watching time pass me by...

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