Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy 2009!

The new year is upon us! New New New...

I resolve to be more resolute this year.

I want to read more, as reading really serves to improve so much. It makes us well informed, broadens our vocabulary, enriches our minds, yada yada.

I want to be closer to loved ones and make more time for friends and my dog.

I want to play tennis more. Maybe take up a hobby. Or spend more time doing current hobbies like writing and taking pictures and doing crosswords. Lazy Sunday things.

But I don't want to be so lazy. I'm getting a fabulous job this year, end of story.

I will clean more. Or be less messy.

I will adopt a healthier lifestyle. No more chips and cookies (or not so many).

I'm just so happy to have a fresh beginning. Yahoo!

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