Monday, January 19, 2009

I haven't really said a word to you all in ages. Ages! I've been busy. I got myself a job :-)
And in a field that I really really wanted to be in. Radio. Tis all I'll say.

We went to palm springs this past weekend so I could finally meet some of my new in-laws. The weather out there was great, I love it when it's unseasonably warm in the wintertime. We stayed at this place that felt like it was straight out of the Jetsons. 50s modern. I'll post pics soon.

I've been reading the Shopaholic books, since I figured I'd want to see the movie and I just can't help but read the book first. The main character is eerily similar to me. I think I may have a shopping addiction. It makes me feel better. And then worse. And when I feel worse, I shop. And then I feel better. And then...

I have to go. The phone's ringing.

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