Thursday, February 26, 2009

Site Rave

I just have to rave about this web site, It keeps track of everything you eat and charts your calories. Let's say you ate a Big Mac. You just type in Big Mac and then click on it and tell it when you ate this (lunch, dinner, snack...). It has ALL the nutritional info of tons of food. Even frozen foods. You can see what percentage of your total daily value of sodium, cholesterol, etc. you've eaten so far each day. It's genius. You can even tell it the rate you want to lose, maintain, or gain weight (1 lb. a week, 1.5 lbs a week...). It then tells you how many calories you should be inhaling daily.
I have lost 6 pounds so far! No doubt water weight, but eating veggie, coupled with no more soda is making this girl thin again in no time!

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