Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Santa Barbara

Our first wedding anniversary is coming up. April 2, to be precise. And being the last-minute couple we are, we haven't set a plan in stone. We wanted to get away to Catalina for a 3 day weekend, but I can't ask for time off work (I haven't been there that long, and I just got my birthday off). We were thinking Santa Barbara would be nice. We could leave Friday evening right after work, be there by 7 for dinner and be home late Sunday night. Hopefully the weather will be nice so we can get a little toasty in the sun (with SPF of course). And maybe we can even bring the little Bean along!

I'm researching places to stay and whatnot. I'd love to go with the Four Seasons, but it's $765 a night. Ouch. Has anyone been out there? What's a lovely place to stay that's near everything and perhaps has a spa? Thanks!

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