Thursday, April 2, 2009

A year ago today, 4 years ago today...

Today marks one year of wedded bliss! And 4 years of loving togetherness. And that rhymes!
I seriously need to sit down and take in just how lucky and happy I am to be married to such an amazing man. He has done so much for me throughout the years, he has taught me so much, and he has made me laugh so much. Sometimes I marvel at how I really did get to marry my best friend. Ugh I'm spewing cliche's left and right, but it's true. Nobody makes me happier, nobody gets me more. He loved me through my darkest, hardest times, and we have gone through more together than some people will in a lifetime.

Right before my first chemo...
Making me laugh even as a baldie :-)
I love you so much my heart aches. Thank you for being married to me.