Thursday, May 28, 2009


So I have quite short eyelashes. I have total lash envy of those fabulous models in the mascara ads in magazines (even though yes, they're usually just wearing falsies). I also envy my hubby because he's got gorgeous long and full eyelashes.

I have found a product that really helps my lashes out tremendously. I used it when I was undergoing chemo because I didn't want to look terribly sickly without lashes, and they looked fine then. I recently decided to start using it again and after like 3 days I've noticed a great change.

The product is Talika Lipocils... and I think it's about $40 at Sephora. (Thank God for my generous, thoughtful mom for getting me this when I began to freak about losing hair)
I'm also a total mascara junkie, but right now I am in lurve with Diorshow Blackout. My apologies for not being able to provide a better pic... I used the little camera and would like to note for the record that I hate this Casio with a passion. I knew I should have gotten the Canon (sure, sure, blame the camera :-P.)


  1. ::adds to sephora shopping list::

  2. That's funny, I was just about to blog about a mascara I just tried one for the first time today. It's the Maybelline NY XXL Extensions microfiber mascara. I have naturally long lashes, but this mascara actually is making them look even longer.
