Thursday, May 14, 2009

Hair Today

Here I am in all my dorky glory for my periodic hair growth check-in. I always straighten my hair for these so I can see how truly long it's getting. I'm at about 8.5 centimeters! I'm still pretty much at a loss of what to do with my 'do so I usually just wear it curly with a headband (I've amassed quite the collection). I'm taking 5000 mcgs of Biotin a day so hopefully that should kick in soon and really speed up the growth! I've been told that it's really starting to grow. :-)


  1. Cute! Your hair looks so shiny and healthy. :)

  2. Thanks everyone! I'm trying to take super good care of it so it can grow long and strong! I miss being blonde but I'm going to refrain from coloring it until it's long so it doesn't get that damaged yet. I'm using Aveda products and a friend recommended Aussie leave in conditioner and it smells divine!

  3. Lexi, I left you some blog love on my blog. Check it out. :)
