Saturday, May 2, 2009

I need your advice...

Regarding what else, shoes. Do we like the following:
I tried these on today and they were remarkably comfortable. Like butter. But that may have been my favorite part about them. They were actually brown... but I kind of felt old lady-ish. I could have also balked at the $99 price tag.

I also tried these on today at Aldo:

They made me look like 15 pounds slimmer, instantly. But I wasn't too sure about all the buckles. I have yet to jump on the gladiator bandwagon.

So I ended up picking these up since they were on sale...

What can I say, I like ruffles.


  1. I really like the first pair in white! Those are super cute.

  2. I LOVE the brown ones with the buckles more that the 1st pair! The lack ones are cute too!

  3. I'm a "ruffles" kind of girl too. I like that. I'm not ever jumping onto the gladiator band Good choice!
