Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Our Wedding

By popular demand... or more like demand... well it wasn't really a demand but sort of a curiosity that I would hate to let fester... images from our nuptials...
You can see the bruises on my arm from the IV that was in days before (makeup couldn't cover them up). You can see how weak I looked and felt in my tired eyes. But what I really hope you can see is how happy I was to be getting married to the love of my life.

I have tons more, but I think I've bored you enough. Sorry I'm in no mood to put these in the correct order! :-P


  1. Thank you Lexi!!! They are beautiful pics. I am in love with your dress, that was the one I wanted but my bedunkadunk arse wouldn't fit in it. You look amazing!!!

  2. SO beautiful!!!
