Friday, October 23, 2009


Well apparently, people want money in life. And they scoff when you offer them less than what they're asking, particularly if it's quite a bit less.

Yeah, we're moving again. This home simply will not do for us any longer, for various reasons. We found the perfect house. It was splendid. It went to someone else.

So after weeks of searching we found another perfect house. Perhaps more perfect than the last. It was but 4 years old. It had beautiful arches throughout. It was in a gated community. Ok, well it had carpet that smelled distinctly of dog urine. But I was fairly certain we could remedy that with a Rug Doctor and a few hours of (Adam's) elbow grease. So we offered a bit less than the asking rental price. Like a couple hundred dollars less. And they said no. And gave it to someone else! MY HOUSE they give away to someone else.

Whatever, the carpet smelled. But I'm majorly bummed because I want to find something already. The place we live in now gets awfully cold at night. And I just can't bear another Southern California winter in this icebox. ;-)

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