Saturday, October 17, 2009

We already love you so much...

Saturday, October 17, 2009

We've only known about you for a couple days now and yet it feels like a lifetime. I love to sit and think about what you will look like, what your personality will be like, what your laugh will sound like. I want to show you all the things I've seen, and see the look on your face when you experience them for the first time. I want to give you more than I ever had. I want you to be able to dream and do and become anything you could possibly conceive. I want the world for you, and I've only known you for 3 days.

Sure when I found out I was a little freaked out. I mean, it's the ultimate responsibility: take care of a human for the rest of your life. The minute that second little pink line came up, I just got the biggest grin on my face and jumped up and down for about 10 minutes. I couldn't believe it. We were going to be parents. Words can't begin to describe the emotion I felt, and I can only imagine that emotion exploding when I finally get to see/hear your heartbeat, or feel your kicks, or see your face for the first time.

I promise to do everything I can to take the best care of us, not only these next 9 months, but the rest of my life. I will even try to eat broccoli. That's huge. I promise to love you unconditionally, and listen to you, and adore you. I'm sure years down the line I will embarrass you. I apologize in advance for this.

I want you to be healthy, to grow strong, and to be happy. It's a tall order that I believe in my heart you can fill. We love you so much baby, and we are waiting to meet you.

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