Wednesday, December 9, 2009

NT Scan

December 9, 2009

Tomorrow is the big day! The NT scan. Naturally I'm worried and pray that everything is great and healthy and perfect. By the time this posts, I'll be secure and happy knowing that everything is in fact perfection with the little bean! I'm also very excited. I can't stop thinking about it!!

December 12, 2009

Everything WAS perfect with our little one! It was seriously the most amazing appointment ever. They had us bring in a blank DVD and they even put the whole ultrasound on video for us. We saw our little baby moving around and even putting its little hands up by its face.

God it feels weird referring to the child as it. We won't have to for much longer because they gave us an 80% accurate guess as to the sex, and as a courtesy we are going back on the 21st so they can give us a 100% answer! How fabulous is that?! I mean I was expecting to find out at 18 weeks, definitely NOT 12-13. But I can't wait to start buying things for IT! I'm going to hold off on announcing until we get that 100% answer, but for fun I think I'll post a poll to see what other people think. To be completely honest, I yo-yoed every day with what I thought the sex was. My mom said girl from day one, my best friend said boy from day one.

I did some old wives' tale tricks and here are the answers to them:

The ring dangled over my belly - girl
I do not like the heel of a loaf of bread - girl
I pick up a mug by the handle - boy
As bad as my nausea is, I never puked, so I'm thinking that means - boy
I don't feel pretty - girl (ha!)
I've been craving cheese, but have an aversion to meat - totally split
Chinese gender predictor - boy

Anyway, all the measurements, the heart, the brain, the everything looked great. The u/s tech and the doctor were so incredibly nice. I'll post the u/s pic as soon as I can get that hubby of mine to scan it!

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