Monday, January 18, 2010

I've Been Awarded!

I have received this lovely Happy 101 award from TWO of my fellow blog buds. Hi Our Little Man & Mr. and Mrs. C and Baby Makes Three!

The rules: 
List 10 things that make you happy.
Pass it on to 10 bloggers that make your day a better one!

1. My wonderful husband (I have to put him first, right?)
2. Cheese
3. Free samples of anything. Delightful!
4. Teeny tiny adorable baby clothes.
5. Playing board games.
6. Lazy rainy days in bed (like today)
7. Finding $5 in the back pocket of a pair of jeans that I haven't worn in 6 months.
8. Updating my wedding registries. Yes, I realize I've been married for nearly two years, but I love going back and adding things to my little "wish lists" even though I totally realize nobody is going to buy me any of it. It's almost as good as shopping.
9. Cake batter. Oh how I miss it so... I haven't had any in months!
10. And I saved this one for number 10, my lucky number: Feeling my baby girl move and thinking about meeting her in a few months!

Now it seems like I need to pass it on to 10 bloggers, and I suppose I can't repass it to those who bestowed this award onto me. I read tons of blogs, so I just picked a few out of the many that I enjoy. I've listed them in alphabetical order as to not show favoritism, and because I am completely anal retentive. :-)

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