Saturday, January 23, 2010

Let's call her Mia...

As in Hamm, because this girl is kicking like crazy. OK, OK pardon the terrible joke, but hubby just felt our little one kick for the first time! I finally felt her move from the outside this morning, but he was at work. Tonight we were laying in bed and I had him rest his hand on my lower belly, and after a couple minutes, she gave a little tiny thump. He didn't react, so I asked if he felt that and he got all disappointed and said no. Not but two seconds later she gave a big ol' thump and I'll never forget the look on Adam's face that instant. He welled up right away and started exclaiming, "That was her! She moved for me! I felt her!!" He was so proud and happy... It was the best moment ever. :-)

After asking around online I wasn't expecting him to be able to feel her until at least 21-23 weeks, but nope, 18w3ds! Ever since I had that stomach flu thing this week, she's been kicking and moving around tons. Hopefully she's feeling ok in there! On Monday I have that 2nd tri screening, and I can't wait to get another look at her. Counting down the minutes...

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