Saturday, February 13, 2010

Furniture has been ordered!

Hallelujah!! And my ridiculously generous and wonderful parents wanted to buy it for us as their baby gift to us. We decided (after visiting about 23 other stores) to go with the Bellini, because as Adam put it, "it just looks like OUR little girl's room to me." I had the hardest time deciding because I know what a large investment this is, and I knew once we ordered something, there was no turning back. I solidified my decision after a little bit of haggling (I'm shameless, I know) I was able to get the price down almost 13%. Lesson for everyone: It never hurts to just ask!

I feel so relieved to be able to cross this off the to do list and move on to the rest of the planning for baby! Ahhhh... now I need a nap.

P.S. I think I need this lamp:


  1. I'm so jealous that you have everything ordered! I finally got around to cleaning out the closet in the baby's room but nothing else has been done. I can't wait to see pictures of everything done and maybe it will give me some motivation to get it done myself!
