Saturday, February 6, 2010

It's a cribtastrophe.

Well, not exactly for the average person, but for me, choosing anything of major importance for our little girl has proven to be of a difficulty of epic proportions. By major importance I mean, naturally, a name, a thermometer, and of course furniture for her nursery. At first we were all set on this Munire crib, because of one silly little thing:
I loved the feet on it.

Up close they look like adorable little balls of... oh I don't know, elephant feet? I liked the curves, the price was good for the quality, and above all, I wanted to only consider crib options that were rated an A by the bible Baby Bargains. As divine luck would have it, the dresser that is part of the set measures 60" precisely. And we happen to have the perfect little spot for the dresser in the nursery: a lovely niche that measures 59.9999999" precisely. And we were advised by salespeople that apparently furniture nor walls budge very easily/at all to accommodate this ludicrous discrepancy. So of course it's back to the drawing board. There were a couple others that were rated A's...

Romina, which I loved the idea of because they are made in Romania, my land of origin. 

Naturally these are incredibly pricey in comparison, and I can't find a nearby dealer to take a look. I'm the gambling type, sure, but not for something as serious as this. And I just can't fathom spending over $1000 on a crib, as much as I hope she keeps it until she goes to college (keep in mind that I'm not planning on cruelly making a teenager sleep in a crib, these convert to full-sized beds). Let's keep browsing...

Ragazzi is also rated an A. Let's take a peek-sie:
I mean, I very much like the dresser (measuring a perfect 56") but the crib just seems very masculine to me. I could live with it, but today we went to a local baby emporium of sorts and asked to take a look at their Ragazzi. The salesman shook his head and whispered that they were phasing them out because they were taking too long to deliver. So bubkus it is. I was prepared for such a tragedy so I asked to be taken to the other A option on my short list, Creations. I had two different sets in mind...

Summer's Evening, which was hubby's personal favorite (besides the Munire which he was head over heels for), because it was white, and he thinks we should go with white (I wanted espresso, since I think it looks a bit more elegant). In person it looked chewed up and cheap. And it wasn't exactly inexpensive either, but for the quality, forget it. The other option was this:

Which naturally wasn't available to view/look under the hood of/try to scratch with a fingernail when no one's looking. 

At this point I'm just tired and cranky and wishing someone could just make the decision for me. There are a few things I knew I wanted in our little girls room. One was a chandelier. 

After much deliberation, I knew I wanted something delicate and feminine for her bedding, along these lines (but just not quite this):

and I wanted flippin blue walls. Girly blue. I just don't want a "theme" nursery, I don't want it to look too baby-ish (I know she's a baby, get over it), too pepto-bismol-y pink, and above all I don't want it to look stupid.

And then again, I really love this bedding too:
But I mean I couldn't incorporate any pink into the room, could I? As much as I'm trying to avoid too much pink, the thought of banishing it completely frightens me.

Why is this what I worry about when people in this world are hungry and cold and dying?

1 comment:

  1. Finding nursery furniture has been the hardest thing ever for us as well! I love that you might be going with the peacock bedding, I loved that set but Clinton refused that one.
