Wednesday, March 3, 2010

24 Weeks!

Happy V-day to me us! V day is known as viability day, or when the baby will have a 50 percent chance of survival outside the womb should the unthinkable happen and I give birth anytime soon. I refuse to believe that she is coming any time within the next 14 weeks, so stay put little one!

Ahh ok here's my little survey this week:
How far along?: 24 Weeks
Total weight gain: I'll know next week at my dr's appt! It has to have gone up...
How big is baby?: Almost 12 inches and around 1.3 lbs! According to
Maternity clothes?: Yes and either they've shrunken or they were sooo not long enough to begin with, because I need to get some longer ones soon.
Stretch marks?: A couple tiny ones on my left side.
Sleep?: For the last few days I've literally slept about 12 hours per night and I still wake up exhausted. What happened?!
Best moment this week?: Feeling her kick like crazy when I played the 80s lullabyes cd I bought. Isn't that supposed to make her calm and sleepy?! And oh yes indeed, I got this awesome CD the other night, full of some of my fave 80s tunes in lullaby form. All I need now is the Rockabye Baby Rolling Stones and Beatles CDs!
Movement?: All the time, and now she's kicking away even when I'm standing (usually it was only when I was sitting or laying down).
Food cravings?: I wanted Twizzlers badly yesterday. And onions I guess. On a hot dog, on my cheeseburger, I just want onions on things. Ew, right?
Gender? Girl
Labor signs?: Not yet!
Belly button in or out?: Shallower innie.
What I miss: Being able to go to Disneyland and ride rides!
What I'm looking forward to: My birthday next week :-P I am NOT looking forward to the GD testing the day before. I hear the stuff they make you drink is just blech.
Milestone: V-day! 

So we've decided to have the bedding custom made since I can't settle on anything I've found. We went to JoAnn's Fabrics tonight to see some fabric, and we happened upon a little section of the most adorable beach cottage decor items. Major score... but I was bummed that we didn't have any coupons on us, since there are always 40% off coupons for JoAnn's in the paper. I lament this out loud, when a wonderful girl walking by says "Oh! I have tons let me give you some!" And she proceeds to fish out a dozen coupons for us out of her purse. She said they don't like to honor them all at once, but if you are persistent, they should. We got to the check-out and I sugary sweetly asked the guy to let us use them all, even if we had to make them separate transactions, and he obliged! So we saved 40% off all this cute stuff... I'll have to post when the nursery progress is a bit more underway. 

Here's the 24 week belly! I'm wearing the same shirt that I had on for the 17 week shot... slight difference, no?


  1. Way Awesome! I found your blog via one of my followers. What is your due date? Do you know what your having? Congratulations!

  2. Congratulations! I can't wait to see that bedding!

  3. I saw that beach stuff at Joannes! I was trying to figure out how to incorporate some into the wedding decor... so cute!! Not as cute as that baby bump though!!
