Wednesday, April 28, 2010

32 Weeks!

And I'm having a BIG baby! Seriously. She's measuring in the 93rd percentile. I'm afraid, very afraid. She's head down, which is great news, but she could still turn. We had another ultrasound yesterday and the pictures they got of her were so adorable, I can't get over it. I may be biased, but even the dr. said we got the u/s photo of the week (I wonder if he tells that to all his patients?). She opened her eyes in there at one point! Oh and we got one of her smiling. Seriously! She looks like such a lil rascal in that one. :-) Ahhh we're in love.

How far along?: 32 Weeks
Total weight gain: 30 lbs. Yowza. Remind me to stop shoveling brownies in my pie hole.
How big is baby?: 5 lbs and 1 oz yesterday. *ahem* 93rd percentile *ahem*
Maternity clothes?: Yes, but I still wear a lot of non-maternity tops that are just longer. And I've started wearing my non-maternity summer dresses!
Stretch marks?: My left and right side are now symmetrical. Nothing too horrific, just a couple small ones, and I know they'll fade.
Sleep?: The last few nights have been great, surprisingly! I really owe it to the snoogle, that thing doesn't let me budge some nights.
Best moment this week?: Seeing her at the ultrasound yesterday! She was so active and just CUTE!
Movement?: Yes, particularly when an u/s tech wants her to stay still for a measurement :-P
Food cravings?: None really this week.
Gender? Girl
Labor signs?: None.
Belly button in or out?: Flat, but when I bend over it starts to pop out a little bit haha.
What I miss: Being able to jump out of bed with ease, and not having to pee every time I walk a long distance. And I miss my old cute little belly button.
What I'm looking forward to: Baby shower on Saturday! And a prenatal massage that DH got me is scheduled for Sunday. Ahhh I'm really looking forward to the weekend!
Milestone: I've started my 8th month, and in a few days I'll be able to say she's going to be here next month! Wow I really need to get crackin on a few things! 


  1. Could you be a cuter pregnant lady?? I don't think so!! She's 5 lbs already?? Your baby girl will come early, I feel it!

  2. I will be thrilled if you defeat me in total baby weight! How cute.. I must see the baby pic :)

  3. Eat all the brownies you want! You look mah-velous!

    PS - Nursery photos please!
