Wednesday, May 5, 2010

33 Weeks

I can't believe it's getting to be that time... The shower is over, maternity pictures have been done (post with those coming soon!), dr's appointments are more and more frequent... It's time to start washing things, and packing the hospital bag, and oh my god I do believe we are going to have a baby next month! Crap! SO MUCH TO DO! I still wanted to make baby girl something! I still need to NAME HER! ::deep breathing commences::

My feet have started to swell in the evenings, which is always a treat. I have had really skinny feet to begin with, so I figured a little swelling would be no biggie, but man, these puppies are turning into monsters!

Ugh ok here's this week's pic. I took all of one picture before giving up. If it looks like I just woke up from a nap, it's because I did - I wasn't feeling well so DH put me to bed for a little nap before dinner. It lasted until 9:30. And it looks like I've grown even more. Remind me to nosh on celery and not pasta...


  1. I cannot believe you're nearing the end of your pregnancy. Unreal. You look absolutely gorgeous. As always.
