Wednesday, May 19, 2010


That's right boys and girls, one more milestone achieved! 35 weeks pregnant and 35 days left to go! Am I seriously to believe that my baby girl will be here in one month?! My to do list is so long, you'd sneer at the sight of it. And I not so secretly believe that she is going to come early. Could it be wishful thinking, considering she's measuring 38 weeks as of Monday? Anyways, I just talked to my boss, and my last day is going to be June 11! I had planned on working up until my due date, but I'm already starting to get uncomfortable with the commute home in traffic, and I think working up until 38.5 weeks is still a valiant effort on my part. I'm already in major nesting mode so even if she's a bit late, it gives me time to scrub the house from top to bottom with a toothbrush if I so desire.

Right now I'm in the process of laundering anything I can get my hands on. I washed and ironed (yes, ironed!) her crib bedding and have it all set up nicely. I was very concerned about this part getting done. In fact, I'm very concerned with the entire house being model-home perfect for when she gets here. It's like I'm expecting a very picky houseguest or something. One that will be staying for oh, 18 or so years? ;-) What's really funny is she'll discover we're slobs in due time. I know! Maybe she'll be a neat freak and keep the house clean?!? OK, now what am I expecting, a baby or a maid?

I've seen some bloggers do this and I feel really inspired to do the same... a tour of the home. If I set a deadline to have it done by, and I have to stick to it, it will really help me finally finish it up. I mean, I'm not so self-absorbed that I'm certain people are dying to see what my home looks like, but if y'all are anything like me (nosey) then I'm sure you can appreciate snooping around in my house! Along those lines, I really should finish up the nursery and post pictures. It's pretty much complete, though I do have a bunch of clothes and blankets laying around, and it still needs these adorable wall letters that I'm dying to order. Only problem is we have no name, thus no idea what letters we need. And they take like a month, so I don't think we'll have them before she gets here. :-( We really need a name already...

Oh and I think I've started getting Braxton Hicks contractions, and some uncomfortable ones too. And lightening crotch is here for real. Walking for extended periods of time is getting really hard to do. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a shitton of laundry to do. :-)


  1. I love that shirt! Where'd you get it?? And I'd LOVE to see a tour of your home! Your baby will be here early too I'm guessing :)

  2. It makes me feel so much better that you don't have a name yet either. We keep trying to whittle it down, but we can't seem to narrow it down to any less than 3. Guess we'll have to meet him first!

  3. Thanks Britt! I got it at Victoria's Secret back in December. We've had some rain these last couple days in So Cal so I had to revert back to my winter wardrobe!

  4. You look great and you're totally a champ for sticking it out to 38+ weeks...especially in the summer heat :)

    can't wait to see the nursery (and house) pics!!

  5. I am so inspired by your story and congratulations!!!!! My husband and I are planning on starting our family very soon and you are a true inspriation!!!
