Friday, June 4, 2010


Ha, not so much! I had a dr. appt. Wednesday and apparently I'm closed and thick and long and whatever other adjective one might want to use to describe the opposite of going into labor anytime soon. Which is cool, whatev - I still have some things to do. I'm feeling rather crafty again, so I want to make a little pillow for the glider, and change out the bumper ties from the bedding I got. I'm going to take a stab at this...

Oh and only one more week of work and then I'm free! I feel like a kid again that's about to go on summer break... then again, I'm fully aware that it's not going to be a vacation by any means. I still look forward to being with my precious baby girl all summer long though!


  1. Ooh, what is that? It's cute! :) Me you and Chrissy need to get together this summer!

  2. It's a pillow! Yes we definitely need to, and we definitely will have to plan playdates in the future with our brood of girls! :-)

  3. Don't get discouraged, at my 36 week I was high, tight, closed as could be. My OB was going on vacation the next week and had no concern about me going into labor. Guess what???!!! My water broke at home the very next week at 37 weeks, haha. The statement that internals mean nothing is oh so very true :o)
