Sunday, June 20, 2010

She's coming soon!

Like very. At my dr.'s appt on Thursday I was finally 1 cm dilated and my cervix was thinning out nicely. My dr. wanted to induce me next week, so basically it was "pick a day, you're going to be delivering the following morning!"

Well, knowing my stupid thing with numbers, I decided to be induced on Monday night (21st) for a Tuesday the 22nd delivery. The hospital could not accommodate this whatsoever (I guess a bunch of other pregnant broads had the same plan already) so they put me down for a Sunday night (ummm TONIGHT) induction with a Monday likely delivery.

Of course I freak out. My dr. ordered an u/s for me on Friday and she's measuring about 9 lbs, which is why they want to get her out already. She doesn't think it's looking too good for a vaginal delivery because of my size (I guess I'm not the walrus I think I am). But this is my best chance for trying, and she really feels it's best to get baby out ASAP.

All weekend I've been walking around like a crazed woman. I've taken stairs two at a time. I've eaten the spiciest foods I can get my hands on. I rubbed my nipples raw (bet you didn't know that was supposed to do something). I gave her a pep talk, and at one point begged her to just come out already. I got a pedicure and had the lady massage my ankles extensively. I even resorted to (gasp) sex with my husband. Nothing. If this baby is coming, she's coming on her terms, or ugh, the hospital's terms. I really hate the lack of control I have here. I suppose this is my first wake-up call for becoming a mommy. It's time I learn to relinquish control, because I'm fairly certain it's about to go right out the window anyway.

So, the bags are packed, the house is cleaned, and tonight at 6 p.m., it looks like we're checking in to the Ritz Carlton hospital to get this show on the road. I seriously cannot believe the time is coming for me to meet my little princess.


  1. Ahhh! Lexi, I can't believe this day is finally here for you. It seems like yesterday that we were talking wedding plans! I'll be thinking of you tonight...can't wait to hear what her name is! You and your baby girl are going to do great!!!

  2. YAY!!! This is great news!!! I will be thinking of you tonight and I hope everything goes great and hopefully you can do it the way you want! Good luck and I can't wait to see pics and hear her name! GET SOME SLEEP TODAY! Seriously!! I know it's hard but you need it!!

  3. Good luck Lexi!! That is such exciting news. Get sleep now before things start to happen. I didn't sleep and boy did I wish I had! Looking forward to "meeting" your little princess. :)

  4. Wow, that's so exciting! She'll be here before you know it!

  5. AHHHH!!!! WOW. I was NOT expecting this! GOOD LUCK!! I am SOOOO excited for you guys! Just relax until the witching hour ;)

    I cant WAIT to see pictures of your baby girl!!

  6. Yay!! SO excited for you!! Here's to a quick and easy delivery and a healthy baby girl!
    Can't wait to see pictures and to find out her name :)

  7. Oh I'm so excited for you!! My little girl arrived on Wednesday and we are enjoying her soo much! Your baby will be in your arms soon and she will be wonderful! :)

  8. I just got chills after reading this and saying I'm so excited would be an understatement.

    By the way... only you would be texting and Facebooking after your water broke and having contractions. I almost felt like I was there with you. Love you, Lex!

  9. I can't wait to see your little girl!! I know she is going to be beautiful and I hope that you have a good delivery. We will have to swap stories!

  10. Good luck (well by this time I suppose she has arrived) I cannot wait to see pics and find out which name you chose!!!!

  11. Hello! I’m having a blog hop over at my blog:

    Come and leave your link so all my readers can follow you too!

  12. YAY YAY YAY!! I assume baby girl is here :) by now but this is fantastic! I hope you had an easy delivery and are recovering nicely!

    Praying for you and your new little princess!
