Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Rolling Over

So I'm a total moron and yesterday morning we were videotaping little G roll over from her front to back. We were admiring how cute she was for doing it and all that... It never dawned on me that this is an actual milestone! I didn't think it counted as rolling over, but as a friend confirmed, yes, it counts! I mean what more could I expect for the term "rolling over", a backflip? I feel terrible for not remembering when she really first did this, because I'm sure she's done it a couple times during tummy time before - I just assumed it was because her head was too heavy and it was dragging her down. So we'll count this one in the books - rolling over for sure, by 9 weeks. :-)

I'd really love to figure out a way to post some video on here. I'll get on that! Oh and over the weekend I had a bit of a sad moment while getting diapers for her. We decided to buy size 2, since we were getting the big value box, and her size 1's were getting tight on her. Already in size 2's?! A bunch of her 3-6 month clothes are already fitting her, and some 0-3's are too tight now. I wish some manufacturers wouldn't have sizes that run so small (Baby Gap and Juicy, I'm glaring at you) - I didn't even bother putting her in size 0-3 for a while because she was fitting into all her newborn stuff perfectly, and by the time I realized it would fit her, she was only able to wear a lot of it once or twice. I guess I should only dress her in things I absolutely LOVE from now on...


  1. Awww...go Gabriella!! I love watching them develop :) I have been reading your blog for a while since you were pregnant and was so excited when you chose the name Gabriella (I have a little 9 month old Gabrielle Sophia). Congrats!


  2. We're in the same boat Lexi! Kendall is almost into size 2. I'm just trying to use up the size 1s we have. She also is fitting into her 3-6 month clothing and I've started packing away her 0-3. Dresses fit her, some onesies (carters brand and first moments only), and only carters sleepers.
