Monday, October 18, 2010

The Pumpkin Patch

We took Gabby to the pumpkin patch on Saturday so she could pick out her very first pumpkin! I asked around for recommendations to awesome ones in our area and got a bunch of really great suggestions, so we packed ourselves up and ignored them all and went to the little one by my parents' house. We decided not to bother with driving an extra 20 minutes/paying admission since we figured she'd probably tire out fast anyway (and we were right!) and we wouldn't fully be able to take advantage of hayrides and all that yet. We had a really nice time, and I managed to capture some cute shots of her with all the pumpkin hoopla...

And I have to admit, I will get a big fat FAIL for this... I'm not going to make G's Halloween costume. I so wanted to make an adorable little bee costume, but time's been ticking by and I realized that a) I don't have much of it, and b) they actually sell cute costumes for babies to wear. So I think Gabby is going to rock a duck this year. :-) Oh and we left the pumpkin patch without buying a pumpkin. Fail #2?


  1. Oh my.. that pouty picture might be my favorite!! She's too cute! If it makes you feel any better Momma, I was all about making my son's Charlie Brown costume... Yeah. Not so much anymore. Big fat fail. I can't find yellow onesies anywhere- but it's not like he's trick or treating at 12 weeks old!!! :)

  2. I love all of the pictures but the ones crying are just too cute!
