Thursday, November 4, 2010

The day I put holes in my baby's head.

Yesterday afternoon, my dear friend and I took Miss Gabriella to get her ears pierced. It went like this...

The before shot...

Getting settled in the chair

Marking the holes

Getting nervous!

You expect me to hold down my baby's head for this?!

Ugh I was in pain!

Poor girl...

Not happy right after...

But all smiles a minute later!


And the finished product.

I always meant to get her ears done when she's a young baby. Mine were done as a baby and I never had any regrets/resentment for that. But getting hers done broke a little piece of my heart! I felt guilty for putting her through "voluntary" pain, even if it was only for a minute (she really does get over physical pain super fast). And then the insane Lexi came out after I got home and I decided I was convinced that the left hole is off-centered. Oh how I agonized. Everyone told me I was crazy. Perhaps it was more of the mommy guilt coming out? Either way, she was so happy the rest of the day, almost like she knew she was a little lady now. And I think she looks so adorable. I can't wait to be able to put in the little pearls she has!