Tuesday, November 23, 2010

I've given up.

Not on life or anything crazy like that yo! I've given up on going to the nail spa for manis and pedis. It's just too time consuming and, well in spirit of saving the almighty dollar, I've decided to just do my own nails... and I like it! I think I haven't gone since August probably, but that's just fine because I've actually gotten really good at doing my own nails. And I don't freak if I chip a nail because I can always touch it up myself.

I started typing up this post because I sort of want to rave about this nail polish - Sally Hansen Complete Salon Manicure (right now I'm sporting a cool mauve-y grey called Commander in Chic). It's so easy to apply, dries quickly, looks flawless... I know it's starting to sound like I'm getting paid to do this, but I'm so not, nor am I getting any freebies (but if you freebie gods are listening, I'd love some!). I just wanted to report in on a good thing. It is like $7 a bottle, but when have you ever run out of a bottle of nailpolish? Dur never, cuz they last for-evah. And it's way cheaper than paying for someone else to give you a mani that lasts 3 days.

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