Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Zoo!

Errm this post should be appropriately titled "Near 5-Month Olds Are Indifferent to Zoo Outings, Despite Your Best Efforts to Pique Their Interest".

Weather out here had been cold and windy (when I say cold I mean around 60 degrees, which is freezing for So Cal). When we saw that the weekend showed promise of a nice sunny day, we decided to take Gabs to the zoo for the first time. I'm not gonna lie, I was inspired to take my young baby to the zoo because Kardashian took her baby to the zoo, and when I saw that episode months ago I said "aha, I shall do that as well!" So I did.

The Los Angeles Zoo charged us $28 admission. There was talk of getting a membership, but in order for it to have been fiscally "worth it" we would have to make 3 trips to the zoo within a year, and that's not the kind of commitment I believe I can make. We began by spotting a couple sea lions, which Gigi hardly noticed, since she was so busy staring at all the people around her. We moved on the the flamingos (and at this point we realized that the zoo doesn't smell nice at all), and decided to lift her up so she could get a better glimpse. Nada. The girl looked everywhere but at the animals.

By the time we got to the zebras, we realized this was a glorified $28 walk, and as we rounded the corner to the giraffes, we looked down at our beautiful daughter and discovered she had fallen fast asleep. So now this was a zoo trip for mommy and daddy!

Except we don't really like the zoo. I guess I should say we're not crazy about our zoo. We went to the best zoo of life in Chicago last year (OMG was this really just a year ago?! - I digress...), the Lincoln Park zoo, where I heard and saw a lion roar, and the animals were so awesome and almost interactive there, and there was a gorgeous botanical garden, and oh yes, it was FREE. Our zoo left me miffed. The elephants weren't even on display, man.

Anyhow it was nice to get out and the long "walk" was the most exercise I've had in months, which I can tell you was much needed. Here are some of the highlights of the day:

 We even wore our animal print to the zoo!

 Look at this guy...

 Aaaand we're out!

1 comment:

  1. That's pretty much what happened when we went to the zoo but we went with my sister and her kids which are 3 so they actually appreciated it. It is way more fun to go with other people and then you don't feel as dumb when they don't care about what is going on!
