Tuesday, December 28, 2010

A Very Gigi Christmas

I hope y'all had the merriest of Christmases, because I know we sure did! So Santa totally overdid it for a 6 month old. G must have been REALLY good this year haha because we had to split up the opening of her presents into 4 different sessions. I'm trying to figure out the best way to do the whole Santa thing, because growing up we always opened presents on Christmas Eve (Romanian tradition), and here in America it's all about Christmas Day. I remember when I was younger complaining to my mom about why we didn't open gifts in the morning like all the other kids, and she said, OK you wanna wait until morning, no problem! And then I realized I could open presents that much sooner if we did it the night before, so that won out ;-) I think it makes sense to do the morning thing with little ones because they're way more refreshed and ready to tear into everything. G was inexplicably tired all of Christmas eve, even with a bunch of naps, so when 6 p.m. rolled around, she wasn't too into the idea of opening anything...

I suppose this is the best way to try to figure out what's inside?
She's getting the "Who, me?!" face down pat!
I wish this one wasn't blurry...

DH got me and G mommy/daughter Tiffany bracelets. I was so surprised, it completely made me melt. Hers can be adjusted as she grows (it's a petite version of mine) so it will fit her a long time.

Only a video game can get him this excited!
Santa drinks Diet Coke in this house...
Um and this is what's left of just G's gifts under the tree after the adults opened all of theirs. I realize that this is how most trees look with gifts for everyone under them. We do it up real big around here.
And on Christmas Day with grandpa, opening up the Elmo Live he got her (such a fun toy!)...
Time out to play with an old favorite...
Stocking time!
Probably her favorite thing of all, a banana infant toothbrush teether thing... Had I only known that an $8 item would be received more favorably than her $70 Laugh and Learn Home...
And finally finishing up later in the day!

So there ya have it, our very first Christmas together as a family. I feel so lucky to have such a wonderful hubby and amazing daughter to spend all my Christmases with. Now I can't believe we're approaching 2011. We have so much to look forward to this coming year!

Oh and we had G's 6 month check up today and she is 19 lbs 10 oz and 27 1/4 inches long (or tall I should say since she likes to "stand" all the time now). Before each visit I like to wager with hubby as to what we think her weight is. He seriously said, "Do you think she's 30??" Now I know she's big, but that would have been one hell of a growth spurt!


  1. I love the candy cane headband and her smile!!! My daughters wore the same Pj's on Christmas!!

  2. It certainly looks like you guys had a wonderful Christmas. She sure does look a lot like her daddy.

  3. Wow. It looks like you had an awesome Christmas. Gigi is so sweet & chubby! I can't believe how big she's getting!!

  4. I love your Christmas!! It looks amazing. That tea set is one of Maddies favorite toys. (mine too) We play tea party all the time.
