Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Because 7 and a half months is a totally appropriate time to start planning her 1st Birthday party...

Yeaah I know. I'm nuts, whatever. I've been researching ideas to get a feel for what we're going to do, and I came across this...

A bunny petting zoo!?!? Ahhh how cute! Is that a bit much for a first birthday party, or is it totally adorable?

I know I want some kind of theme, but I'm just not sure what it is. I know I'd like to do a "bee" theme for her 3rd birthday (our little bee is turning three!), and she's too young for anything princessy (plenty of princess parties up ahead, I'm sure). Of course I foresee a Candy land type party as well, but that too should be in the future (when, duh, our kid would like to eat candy) - maybe 5? And I always loved the idea of a little vintage circus, but our little back yard surely couldn't support such a production (and, well, neither can our wallets at the moment, let's be honest!).

Of course I'd like to do something that she likes, but I don't think a bath party would fly.

So where does that leave us? Bunnies? Petting zoos are fun, but I imagine they take up quite a bit of space... but bunnies? They're so small! And, well... cute! Thoughts?

Wait - do they bite?


  1. Ha! I've been planning too. We've already got a date set for ours. June 18th.

    If she loves baths - K does too - why not a "Pool" party. You can do little pools for the kiddos, bathing suits, sunglasses, etc. That would be so much fun! A sprinkler, little water guns. You're in the perfect climate for that.

  2. This reminds me of Tori Spelling's bdays for her LO's! Maybe you should google some of her stuff!

    We are doing sock monkey theme! I've already ordered and our LO's are the same age! :)

    Good luck!

  3. Love the bunnies, such a great idea!
    We're doing an Alice in Wonderland type theme, but just the crazy colors, so not really Alice but I pulled some ideas from that. You've got lots of time to nail down an idea, I'm sure you will come up with something great :)

  4. My friend had suggested a bubble party for us. We haven't done it, but it's always in the back of my mind. Just a suggestion.

  5. Sabrina, that bubble party looks awesome! Maybe for her 4th birthday :-P

  6. I think that is an awesome idea. My little man is only 6 months old and I started looking at ideas for his 1st birthday. Here's my reasoning... The 1st 6 months zoomed by and it makes me sad to know that the second 6 will as well. Planning his bday helps distract from the sadness.

  7. That's cute! I started planing at 7 months too and now at 9 1/2 I'm on full blown party mode! :P
