Friday, February 4, 2011

It's only February, but...

These obv won't be for me, as tempting as it would be to try to find one of these adorables in my size (and I'm trying my hardest to not buy her a bathing suit until it's at least spring!). This one's for mama:
Cuz as skinny as I'd like to think I'll be by summer, I don't foresee the dozen stretchies going away anytime soon. Boo. At least I won't scare people?

G sprouted her other bottom tooth on the 1st of the month! And as of yesterday evening we finally have forward movement when "crawling"! OK so it's not proper form or whatever, but she wiggles forward like a worm to get to what she wants: the remote control! Soon enough she'll figure out that all the rocking she's doing on her knees will help propel her forward :-) Oh and as of Wednesday, she's 20 lbs 2 oz and 28 inches long. Gah she's growing up so fast, every day there's something new!


  1. I am IN LOVE with the ladybug suit. Where is it from? Going to be one hot mama in that suit, miss! You will look stunning!

    G is getting so big! K isn't rocking, on knees or wiggling for things. She'll roll over but that is about it. Hmmm.....I wonder if she is behind the curve? No teeth as of yet either.

  2. It's from Crazy 8!

    I'm sure K's not behind, I think G's just a strong little girl! :-)

  3. I love the mama suit you have chosen! Where is that from?
    This mama needs something to cover the stretchies too but is hot!

  4. Teri, it's by Vix Swimwear. I'm hoping I can still look good (ok "hot") while rocking a one-piece!

  5. Love the suits the other ladies have also commented on. I've lost quite a bit of weight since before I was pregnant just because my pregnancy was so difficult. I'd like a hot suit for myself this summer as well. I can't wait to get DD a couple of adorable ones too!
