Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter 2011

We had a wonderful Easter yesterday. The dreaded bunny left a nice little basket for G and we feasted on tons of great food. Oh and we also went to church in the morning! Haven't been in a couple years, and we always drive by this one church so we decided to try it out for Easter Sunday. It was nice, but the crowd was on the older side. And we were so overdressed. Seriously, who goes to Easter services in jean shorts and Nike sneakers?

After church we came home and had a little mini egg hunt in the back yard. By egg hunt I mean I plopped G on a blanket and scattered some eggs in grabbing distance ;-)

 With grandma and grandpa...
 And great grandparents too!
 Hubbs and his mom...
 Cracking eggs. G had her first taste of hardboiled egg yolks on Easter and she loved them!
 Her basket!


  1. Me hell, you have the most GORGEOUS family. And I LOOOVE your hair. Great decision to go back to blonde ;)

    So glad you guys had a happy Easter!

  2. 1. Your hair looks divine
    2. I LOVE your dress? Please advise where I can copy you.
    3. Your baby is about the cutest thing if not the cutest thing I have seen ever in my life.

  3. Thank you so much ladies!

    Sarah, it's from Anthropologie - and it's on sale! :-)
