Monday, May 9, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

My first Mother's Day as a mommy was absolutely wonderful. First of all, Gabriella's gift to mommy was sleeping in an extra hour - yes! Hubby was sweet and made breakfast for everyone, and we chowed down on scrambled eggs with LOTS of swiss cheese and turkey bacon. After breakfast I got to go back to bed and nap for another hour - YES! (can you tell I'm all about sleep right now?!). We spent the day at Descanso Gardens, a lovely botanical garden, with G and our moms (and, well, my dad came too. We couldn't leave the ol' man out, after all, he is our nanny during the week ;-)). We also had a yummy early dinner/late lunch at my favorite Italian restaurant (diet derailed). My awesome hubby got me some much needed bubble bath (I'd resorted to using shampoo of late!) too.

 With Nana (mother in law) and Yiayia (my mom - it's grandma in Greek!).
 Note the smile progression...

   I love how happy she always is!


 She walked around so much there! She really takes off when she hits the ground. Soon she'll be ready to let go and go off on her own... I don't know if that warrants a happy face or a sad/terrified face!

 DH and Grandpa (my dad)!

 Check out this pic of a bee I took! Creepy!
Have I driven y'all crazy yet with picture overload? OK here's a few shots from lunch the day before!


 Admiring the view...


  1. Ohmygoodness... your pics are to die for! I love the family pics especially! And both of your outfits are always so cute.

  2. she is beyond adorable! this is totally random but i love your striped dress, where did you get it?

  3. Thanks Nicole- It's actually from Forever 21!

