Tuesday, June 14, 2011


I know, I know... I've been the very worst blogger lately. I've been in hyper planning mode for Gabriella's birthday party, which is this Saturday! I can't believe it's coming up on me so fast. I can't wait to share everything with y'all when it's all done too. I hope it comes together nicely, because I've put a lot of thought and effort into everything.

The photographer who did our pictures out in Arizona just posted these on her blog! I really wanted to share them with you, so here ya go :-)
I can't wait to get the ones of her in her other little outfit - they're my very favorite! Anyhow, here's a link to her blog in case you're ever in the greater Phoenix area and are in the mood for some awesome vintage-y photos! http://sierrastudiosphotography.com


  1. I'm a little late commenting on your past couple of posts, so here goes!

    1) You are looking GOOD! You always have of course, but I can really tell your hard work is paying off.

    2) Your memorial day post inspired me to pack up the bikini. Can you link me to that suit you are wearing?

    Thank you :)

  2. You have such a beautiful family!
