Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Our Weekend Hijinks

I think this is the first weekend in forevah that all the pictures I have are of me and the hubby, sans baby! I'm a little bit shocked at this. But, we had fun, and it was nice to get out without worrying about little Geebs. On Saturday night we went to the Magic Castle with a great friend of ours and her boyfriend. We had gone last year, but she had extra tickets so why waste an excuse to dress up and have some libations?! (As an aside, lest you assume I'm a total lush, I hardly EVER drink, so a glass and a half of zin made for a wild night for this girl!)
We so got scolded for taking pictures inside. Apparently we ruined the exclusivity of the place. Whatever. I felt like a girl of 23 again. ;-)

Then, on Sunday we went out on the lake on a pontoon boat with some other good friends of ours. I think we may need to buy a boat.
(aren't they adorable!?)
(p.s. we caught no fish)

Now it just feels plain weird to not include a picture of my daughter in this post. Yeah, I guess I'm that mom.
OK, now I'm done. :-) I have a nice big fat 1 year post all set for tomorrow, after her 1 year check up. Have to get her measurements first, right!?

1 comment:

  1. LOVE your dress!! so pretty! and baby girl's swimsiut and matching swim cap!!!!
