Monday, September 26, 2011

A little blueprint...

So I mentioned in my last post that I've embarked on my photography adventure... and I'd love to share some of my little tricks along the way with y'all. One of my favorites involves editing. To me it's super important to get it right in camera, but editing can give pictures so much more... oomph! for lack of a better word haha. Here is a little blueprint that I'm actually submitting in MCP Actions' latest contest.

the before is on top, the after below - duh :-)

I used some fusion actions on this one: One click color at 50%, Urban at 20%, Rustic at 25%, dodgeball on eyes and selective sharpening on eyes and lips. I also touched up her skin with the powder your nose tool. 

What do you guys think? I love the warmth and liveliness of the after. Can you just tell that I am so loving what I'm doing? :-)

Check out for sooo many tips on photoshop and incredible actions too!

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