Sunday, December 13, 2009

12 Weeks

How far along?: 12 weeks.
Total weight gain: 5lbs.
How big is baby?: Plum sized!
Maternity clothes?: I wore my new maternity jeans this week and they were too big! I'm most comfy in leggings and my one pair of fat jeans.
Stretch marks?: None so far!
Sleep?: Interrupted nightly.
Best moment this week?: The NT scan. I watch the DVD from it almost every day.
Movement?: Can't wait for it!
Food cravings?: More cheese.
Gender? We got an 80% guess at the NT scan! But I'm not posting til I know 100%.
Labor signs?: No no no!
Belly button in or out?: Innie.
What I miss: Not feeling nauseated every evening.
What I'm looking forward to: Feeling the baby move for the first time.
Milestone: Finally announcing to everyone that we're expecting! It feels so good!

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