Sunday, December 13, 2009

I'm Coming Out

Finally! I've been hiding it from you for so long... I'm finally coming out to the world today... Here I go, posting all my little posts from the last two months that I've kept hidden from the public. You see, naturally I wanted to be sure everything was great and perfect before doing so. Now the question remains, should I just hit publish and let them publish in the order I wrote them (interspersed with other nonsense posts :-)) or publish them all as of today? I think I'll choose the first one... Let it be known, that no information was leaked prior to December 13, 2009. Wait. That's an odd number. Should I wait for tomorrow?


  1. Yay! I'm a random blog stalker who lurks on the bump and I'm so glad to see you're "out"! Here's to a healthy rest of your pregnancy :)

