Saturday, December 12, 2009

The Belly Pics

I thought I would begin tracking the growth of my gut on a weekly basis. I started with 7 weeks, and then I did 9 weeks. And then I lost track of time and I'm now 12 weeks! I mean it's not like you missed much, the super exciting growth spurt is coming soon.

So here we are at 7 weeks. I feel like I started showing early! Or I may have just inhaled 5 slices of pizza that day.
9 weeks - Boobs are starting to get out of control. I'm already up two sizes!

The 12 week shot is coming soon. Oh, and here are the pics we got from the NT Scan:

One of the images clearly looks a little wrinkled because the stupid u/s tech wrinkled it. Poo. Note how large our little one's brain looks. It's so amazing that they're starting to look like an actual baby in there!

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