Sunday, December 6, 2009

I love December

December is such a great month. I mean sure, it doesn't have my birthday in it, but it has Christmas, Hannukah, New Years, the smells of winter... can't really go wrong with any of those. This year we are not really "doing" Christmas. Sure, we'll celebrate and all, but we've made a little pact to not spend money this holiday season so we can save up. This clearly means homemade gifts for friends and family! Try not to read this if you're one of those people. So I'm thinking nice tins filled with homemade cookies - so nice and heartfelt, yes?

Now I just have to decide what kind of cookies. Snickerdoodles are a no-brainer. They're my fave. So I may just end up eating them all myself. I want to do 3 kinds. So perhaps a chocolate chip, and then something more exotic. Any ideas friends?

Oh and I need to get started on our holiday cards, but naturally, I can't find my address book since we moved. And I really don't want to skimp out on doing that this year. We're also going to host a little Hannukah party next weekend for Adam's family. I need to figure out what to make for that. AND I need to get to that DIY upholstered headboard I've been meaning to make for, oh, say over one year! I've got work to do...


  1. I'm a little obsessed with your tree skirt!!

  2. Thanks! I got it at Lowe's last year when I became quite a bit obsessed with it after seeing it in the store!
