Friday, December 4, 2009

My first little survey!

Friday, December 4, 2009
  • How far along?: 11 weeks.
  • Total weight gain: I'm not sure. Or I'm a liar.
  • How big is baby?: Lime sized! I love citrus.
  • Maternity clothes?: Not quite. I'm living in leggings or using the bella band with my jeans.
  • Stretch marks?: None so far!
  • Sleep?: I require a nap daily.
  • Best moment this week?: Seeing people's reactions as we tell them. It's so fun and I can't wait until everyone knows!
  • Movement?: Do gas bubbles count? Because I'm sure that's what that is at this point.
  • Food cravings?: I need french onion dip.
  • Gender? Changes daily! Well, not mine, but what it think he/she is!
  • Labor signs?: No no no!
  • Belly button in or out?: Innie.
  • What I miss: Not feeling nauseated every evening.
  • What I'm looking forward to: Seeing the little one next Thursday at the NT scan.
  • Milestone: I bought my first couple pairs of maternity jeans over the weekend. Of course I had to have a couple pairs of my designer jeans.

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