Wednesday, January 13, 2010

17 Weeks

How far along?: 17 Weeks
Total weight gain: Still hovering at that same weight...
How big is baby?: An onion! How robust...
Maternity clothes?: Yes, the time has come. Though I can still wear regular long tops I have.
Stretch marks?: Stay away, please?!
Sleep?: I still require sleeping in daily, but I wake up every morning at 5 and toss and turn for an hour.
Best moment this week?: Hearing baby's heartbeat again at my 17 week appt. today. 140s!
Movement?: More and more often, and it's still amazing every time.
Food cravings?: Pasta and anything garlic-y!
Gender? Girly girl.
Labor signs?: No no no!
Belly button in or out?: Innie, but I think it's getting more shallow.
What I miss: Beer. I want beer all of a sudden.
What I'm looking forward to: My next ultrasound on the 25th... Can't wait to see her again. Plus I want to know one more time that she is a she before I start ordering furniture and bedding.
Milestone: I suppose the following conversation should count as this week's milestone:
Me: "My boobs now touch my stomach"
DH: "It's so sexy!"
Me: "Ich! It's so National Geographic."

Yeaaaahhhh... Anyway, this wasn't the best pic out of the few I had DH take of me this week since it looks like I'm trying too hard to stick my belly out, but I couldn't resist how hysterical Benny looks :-) That aside, I feel like I've grown a bit since last week!


  1. Um, you are a genius! I've been looking for long shirts to wear with leggings EVERYWHERE and I can't find them. Until I read this, and happened to walk by the maternity section. They're kind of the same thing! And now I am a crazy non-pregnant person wearing maternity shirts :-)

  2. This is a cute post : ) If you haven't already you should start a journal just telling your baby what new things are going on. Like when you buy the crib or when you have a DR visit. My son is three and I still do it every week and am so happy that I did.
