Monday, January 11, 2010

The name game...

I am having such a difficult time finding the right name for our baby girl. Nothing is standing out and screaming THIS IS PERFECT to me, and I'm just getting more and more frustrated. I'm beginning to get angry at all the parents who have named their children the names I really like, causing them to be in the top 10 lists of names. WHY did Olivia, Ava, Sophia, and even Lila become so popular?! I came up with Lila when I was 12. Yes, based on the snobby girl in the Sweet Valley Twins books. A friend who is 6 weeks ahead of me loaned me 2 massive baby name books so hopefully they'll produce something magical for me. Adam really likes the name Charlotte, but I'm too scared to commit to one name just yet. Help me.


  1. Since you like(d) Lila so much, how about Layla? I also love the name Evie but my DH doesn't, so there is another idea for you! Good Luck!

  2. Meh, too reminiscent of Layla Ali for me. And I loved Evie from that one show from the 80s - Out of this World! Anyone remember it?! She could freeze time by putting her fingers together...

  3. Why don't you combine your two favorite names? Olviva or Olphia....on second thought, maybe not such a good idea!

  4. We were having the same problem! I was all set with boys names, but not girls! DH just ended up having a dream of what our little girl's name was and what do you know it, we both like it! So we are still not 100% set, but I think we may get it. You will get your "perfect name" too....just give it time. A baby book will probably help too :)

  5. LOL! I love Olivia, and my Adam hates it :( I also LOVE Charlotte! I just got a giant baby name book at Borders for like $4; they're having a great sale right now!

  6. Olivia is the sweeeeetest name ever. And I also love Lily. Read magazines...full of names and not as overwhelming as those baby name books. This advice brought to you by a non (and never has been) pregnant girl.

  7. I love the name Charlotte. But if I were pregnant again and having a girl I would go with Bella. I LOVE that name even though I think the main character on one of those vampire shows is named that. BUT I thought of it like a year before those movies ever came out : )

  8. I loved Lila Fowler too! My gosh you just brought me back to seventh grade, sneaking SV books in school!
